Adult Classes
Sunday Morning – 9:30 AM Wednesday Morning – 10:00 AM Wednesday Evening – 7:00 PM
Our congregation is blessed with very well qualified and devoted Bible teachers. Adult Bible Study is held in the library every Wednesday morning at 10:00. Adult classes are held in the auditorium each Sunday at 9:30 AM and Wednesday at 7:00 PM
Classes for all ages are taught by very well qualified Bible teachers on Sunday morning at 9:30 AM and Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM.
Youth Study
Youth Classes
Classes for all ages are taught by very well qualified Bible teachers on Sunday morning at 9:30 AM and Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM.
Wednesday Night: Foundations of Faith Challenge Academy for grades 4 – 12, taught by our Summer Youth Intern, Elijah Gibson. Special activities will be available throughout the summer.
Special Wednesday night classes are provided for all ages.
Jabberwocky is held every Monday night during the Summer at different area wide churches of Christ.
Summer Time!
Summer Camp and VBS
Abell ST. offers a week of Vacation Bible Service “VBS” and we go to a summer camp in Bandara, TX
Summer Youth Activities
Special activities and fun days are scheduled throughout the summer break. Service activities are used to involve our youth in member’s needs as well as community needs.
Camp Bandina offers a week of Bible study, worship, fun activities and creating life long friendships.